
Parental Emotional Health

Stressbusting Activities

Life in general can be stressful. If stress isn’t managed, it can overflow into other areas of your life. It’s quite normal to take out upset and frustration on the ones closest to you. 

When emotions are strong and stress is high, the opportunity to stop and reflect on what we want to communicate can be incredibly challenging.

Healthy Ways of Managing Stress

Here are some links and resources to help you manage your levels of stress. 

Who can Help?

You can contact the Healthy Child Programme by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 or texting Parentline on 07520 631590. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.

Family Hubs can provide information, advice, and guidance to families. They can help any family with a child or young person up to 19-years-old (25 for young people with a special educational need and/or disability).

Home Start provide expert help and support for families with young children who are going through challenging times.

The Early Childhood and Family Service provides help for 0 to 5-year-olds and their families. You can call 0344 800 8020 or email ecfs-families@actionforchildren.org.uk

To speak to other Norfolk parents and carers, you can join our online community forum below.

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