
Making Change

Stop Smoking

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your own health and the health of your family.

You start to see the benefits of stopping almost straight away. Did you know that just 20 minutes after stopping smoking your blood pressure and pulse go back to normal and after just 24 hours your lungs start to clear?

Quitting smoking is tough, but if you are ready to make a change, there is lots of help available.

Things You Can Do

Don’t try to go it alone! You are four times more likely to stop smoking with support. Contact one of the services in the Who Can Help section of the page, to get started today!

  • Calculate how much stopping smoking will save you using the Smoking Cost Calculator and keep a reminder up on your wall or fridge.
  • Keep your hands busy. Having a drink or a pen in the hand you normally use to smoke can stop you from reaching for that cigarette.
  • A craving only lasts five minutes, so make a list of five minute strategies to distract you when you want to smoke.
  • Buddy up with a friend or family member who also wants to quit and help each other.
  • Make a list of reasons you want to stop smoking and put it where you normally keep your cigarettes.

Who can Help?

Smokefree Norfolk is a free, local service which will work with you to plan the best way for you to give up or cut down on smoking.

Many of the people who created and work for the service are ex-smokers, so they really understand what you are going through!

You can also get support to quit smoking from NHS Quit Smoking. They provide support via telephone, webchat, email and text message, so you can access help in a way that works for you. They also have an app which will give you daily hints and tips to help you stop smoking.

If your child is 11-24 years old, FYI Norfolk is an interactive NHS website just for them. It provides reliable and trustworthy advice and support on lots of health and wellbeing topics.

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