As a parent you spend the most time with your child and know them best, however, when they begin to move into other settings like preschool, nursery or with a childminder, there are opportunities to gain support from professionals who work with young children.
They can help you to understand your child's behaviour and whether their development is in line with other children of their age. If you have concerns, they can help to give you a bigger picture of how your child reacts in different settings. This information can be helpful when you discuss concerns with your GP or health visitor, who may ask to build up more information about your child before referring you to specialist services.
Communicating concerns as your child moves through preschool, nursery or with a childminder, can help identify needs early and get appropriate support. There will be many opportunities for you to speak to your child's setting, some offer:
Having a two-way dialogue with the preschool can help to support your child's development and is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage that the preschool will be following.
As part of the Healthy Child Services for 0-5 years, you and your child will receive appointments with an Assistant Practitioner to help review the development of your child and give advice on support for your family.
1 Year Review
When your child is around 1 year old, you'll be contacted by letter or email to arrange an appointment with an Assistant Practitioner. The appointment will either be a home visit, video call or you'll be invited to a local community venue.
You'll be asked to complete an Ages and Stages Questionnaire which can help you to think about what development stage your child is at, and it will allow you to share any concerns about differences that you have noticed.
2 & 1/2 Year Review
When your child is around 2 and a half years old, you'll be invited again for an appointment with an Assistant Practitioner and asked to complete another Ages and Stages Questionnaire about your child's development. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, or if your child has any specific health or developmental needs, your Assistant Practitioner can offer further assessment and advice.
Sometimes Assistant Practitioners may use another development tool called the Schedule of Growing Skills (SoGS) to help them think about which stage your child is at, and what your child can do. All children develop at their own pace, so it's just another way to help understand how your child is progressing.
Find out more about developmental concerns and the schedule of growing skills
Norfolk Portage Service is a free home-visiting educational service for preschool children with additional needs and their families. It's an intensive and sustained therapy to support parents as their child's best first educator. They work alongside other professionals involved with your child to help find the best methods of support.
Norfolk Portage Service believes: 'We believe that all children have the right to be happy, healthy and safe; to be loved, valued and respected and to have high aspirations for their future, no matter what their diagnosis or need.'
Norfolk Portage Service is for:
The Occupational Therapy service supports children and young people with functional aspects of their day-to-day life. These include:
If developmental issues are causing a significant impact in these areas of your child's life, you can request to be referred to the Occupational Therapy Service. The referral must come from a medical professional, which could be via a GP appointment, or through other healthcare professionals who work with your child.
Let us know what you think!
We've been working together in Norfolk and Waveney with families and professionals to put together information, advice and resources that are helpful to families. Let us know what you think, and anything we could change or add to make it even better.
If you live in Norfolk
You can contact the Healthy Child Service team by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123 or texting Parentline on 07520 631590. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
If you live in Waveney
If your child is 11-24 years old, FYI Norfolk is an interactive NHS website just for them. It provides reliable and trustworthy advice and support on lots of health and wellbeing topics.
Norfolk SEND Local Offer provide information and advice on services for young people with additional needs in Norfolk.
Suffolk SEND Local Offer provide information and advice on services for young people with additional needs in Waveney.
Mencap is a national charity who support people with learning disabilities. They offer a free Learning Disability Helpline with advice and guidance. Call 0808 808 1111 to speak to a trained professional.
Kooth offers online counselling, advice and emotional well-being support for anyone aged 10-18, seven days a week until 10pm.
Family Hubs bring together a range of services so you can access advice and support on parenting, your lifestyle and family when you need it. Family Hubs operate online and in person with seven Family Hubs sites across Norfolk, where parents and carers can drop in for support.