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Teenage Brain Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Supporting Development > Teenage Brain

in behaviour. Teenagers tend to challenge boundaries, sleep more, and have the mood changes we expect. confidence.   Relationships Sleep Sleep patterns change during puberty. The sleep hormone (called. for teenagers). This means teenagers often get to sleep later and want to get up later too. It is a biological. and settle down at a reasonable bedtime too. Teenagers need around 9 hours sleep a day. It is good for physical and emotional wellbeing. During sleep a teenager's physical growth happens, controlled

Norfolk Steps - Session 1 Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Behaviour & Sleep > Norfolk Steps > Norfolk Steps - Session 1

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Family Health MOT Home > Healthy Lifestyles > Family Health MOT

Getting enough rest is important for everyone. We need to get enough sleep for our mental and physical health. It is normal for everyone, grown-ups and children, to have times when getting to sleep or staying asleep is harder. This can be for any number of reasons.  Find out more about children’s Sleep Sleep Children and grown-ups all benefit from structure and knowing what to expect from their day

Norfolk Positive Behaviour Strategies (PBS) Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Behaviour & Sleep > Norfolk Positive Behaviour Strategies (PBS)

Session 6 Behaviour & Sleep

How to Tell if Your Baby is in Pain Home > Childhood Illnesses > How to Tell if Your Baby is in Pain

It can be difficult to know whether babies and young children are in pain or are upset for another reason. They can’t always tell us or show us what’s wrong. There are signs that can help you to work out whether they are suffering: They may become irritable They may cry more than usual or they may be unusually quiet Their sleep pattern and appetite might be different to what is usual for them. Who can Help? You can contact the Healthy Child Programme by calling Just One Number on 0300

Pathway to Parenting Session 1 Home > Our Services > Pathway To Parenting > Pathway to Parenting Session 1

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