
Your search for School returned these results:

Worms Home > Childhood Illnesses > Worms

. Keep reminding everyone to wash their hands. Your child can go to school during treatment. if not you will need to see your GP. Your child can go to school during treatment for ringworm

What Is Occupational Therapy? Home > Occupational Therapy For Parents & Carers > What Is Occupational Therapy?

disabilities to enjoy life, school and leisure activities as independently as possible. These activities range from support at school, getting dressed, and learning to write. Occupational therapists often

Home Alone Home > Staying Safe > Staying Safe In The Home > Home Alone

the move to secondary school that parents decide whether their child is ready to be left home alone. until your child is ready. Look into local after school, or community sporting / creative clubs Look

Privacy Policy Home > Privacy Policy

setting/ school/college Children’s Centres Voluntary organisations involved in health or social care./ schools/colleges, including for weight and height assessment and school immunisation; Early Childhood

Asthma & Wheezing Home > Childhood Illnesses > Asthma & Wheezing

Using a Spacer Talk to School Nursery or School need to know if your child is given a diagnosis of asthma. This will allow them to act quickly if your child has symptoms at school. Share your child's asthma care plan with their school. It is important for school to know what will help your child in an emergency. If your child does not have an asthma care plan - talk to the school about what they would need to do to help your child. Ensure school have all of your child's medications

Supporting Children's Mental Health Home > Emotional Health > Children & Young People's Emotional Health > Supporting Children's Mental Health

Mental health is the way children think and feel about themselves and the world around them. Your child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health, particularly when it comes to dealing with stress, behaviour, and their school life. Not all mental health issues can be prevented, but you can take steps to help keep your child as mentally healthy as possible. The video session. to get your child into a routine which fits in with school or college. It's not always easy, but try

Resilience Activities Home > Emotional Health > Children & Young People's Emotional Health > Emotional Health Activities > Resilience Activities

Finding ways to help build resilience will help your children when times are tough. These activities can help you talk together about this and find healthy ways to cope.Resilience Ladder This resource is designed to be used with children to help them to highlight a goal and break it down into smaller achievable steps. Resilience Game This game explores common things which children may experience in their day to day life at home, or at school. Resilience Backpack Activity This activity helps

Worries & Anxiety Activities Home > Emotional Health > Children & Young People's Emotional Health > Emotional Health Activities > Worries & Anxiety Activities

in Adolescence This 60-minute workshop was delivered to parents of school aged children to help them

Talking To Professionals About Your Child Home > School Life > Resources For Families > Talking To Professionals About Your Child

? Is there reliable advice online? Who else could help you with this? GP, School, Health visitor or another. are not sure where to get the help you need get in touch with your GP / school they may know what help. to speak to a manager. School and/ or health service websites will give you information of how to raise any. of the Healthy Child Programme team.   School Life

Support For Children Born During Lockdown Home > Support For Children Born During Lockdown

Ready For School Communication Talking & Playing Everyday Toddler Talk Communication Quiz Speech