
Your search for School returned these results:

Moving & Handling Home > Occupational Therapy For Parents & Carers > Moving, Handling & Accessibility > Moving & Handling

Some children may need help to move, this can be moving from a wheelchair or buggy to a chair, or a chair to the toilet. This is often called ‘moving and handling'. Poor moving and handling techniques can result in injuries to parents and carers, as well as putting your child or young person at risk. Often, injuries happen over time, due to poor posture and repetitive actions. Principles Of Moving & Handling These principles are what your child's school or setting would use to assess

Trips & Falls Home > Staying Safe > Staying Safe In The Home > Trips & Falls

Children’s physical skills continue to improve as they develop through the toddler years and get ready to start school. They are probably getting braver and more active. Children this age are not yet able to slow down, judge risks and avoid them. They still need parents and carers to keep their surroundings as safe as possible for them. Check for Risks  Look around your home and garden and think what your child could hurt themselves on. Consider your child’s height and what might be tempting

Understanding Child Development Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Supporting Development > Understanding Child Development

and language therapy, hearing assessment, and vision assessment. If your child attends school, nursery

Developing Skills Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Supporting Development > Developing Skills

catch a ball by the time they start school. They should be able to safely manage going up. these will build your child's confidence and makes a walk to the shops, nursery or school more fun. something new? Break it down step by step. They will use these skills to learn new things at school. to be learning to read and write before school, but don't worry - there is plenty of time and every

Threadworm Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Toileting > Threadworm

Threadworms are small worms in poo which can cause itching around the bottom. Threadworms are common in children and can spread easily if not treated. You may notice your child itching and they may struggle to sleep at night because of it. Threadworms can be treated at home and children can still go to school if they have threadworm.Treating ThreadwormMedicine kills the threadworms, but not the eggs. Threadworm eggs can live up to two weeks outside the body. You will need to treat everyone

Older Children & Teens Home > Speech & Language > Talk & Play > Older Children & Teens

at school today?’ Tap into their passions – it could be music, sport, or the environment. Let them know. or family friends.  Encourage them to volunteer to help with younger children at school or after school. how to communicate effectively. They may continue to take part in out of school or sport activities

Norfolk Library Service Home > Our Services > Norfolk Library Service

Your local library is a great place to take your child. As well as books you can borrow for free, most Norfolk libraries have activities and events, especially during school holidays. The library is also a place to meet other local parents.  Reading books can support your child's learning and development and your library will have books suitable for all ages. Where Is My Local Library? Your Local Library Find out how to join your local library. It's free and as a member, you can use any

Activity for Older Children Home > Healthy Lifestyles > Move More > Activity for Older Children

whenever it is possible – to school, to the shops, or to a friend’s houses. You could use money saved. Don’t forget after school activity clubs and sports activities might be available for your child too. 5-16 in Norfolk. If your child is 4 years old but they are in school, they can take part. It helps. place during the summer. Children who are eligible for means-tested free school meals can claim

Healthy Child Programme Services 0-5 Home > Our Services > Healthy Child Programme Services 0-5

offer further assessment and advice.School Readiness & Starting School Starting school is a big. and the new experiences being at school will offer. Lots of children make the move to reception class smoothly and enjoy the beginning of their school days, for some the transition can be more difficult

Healthy Child Programme Other Services Home > Our Services > Healthy Child Programme Other Services

. Find out moreSchool Hearing & Vision Screening Our team visits every Norfolk school to test