
Support for you and your family

Support For Children Born During Lockdown

Life changes fast and your baby born during lockdown is nearly 3! We know that their start in life has been different and we are all learning together about what you and your family might need.

The COVID pandemic has meant that many children have had fewer social opportunities with their peers (little people of their own age). Your child might have had less chance to play, copy and learn from and with others. They may also have had limited chances to spend time with wider family and other adults they may have met usually.

We know some parents and carers have worries that their child may not be speaking as much as they would expect or have had as many opportunities to play and interact with other children. Your child’s experience may have been different but our services remain the same, and are here for you when you need them.

What support is on offer?

Our teams are here to help you with any questions or queries you have about your child. We can support you over the phone, video or at home.

You can call our Just One Number team on 0300 300 0123 or text 07520 631590.

We have also put together some information about extra support that may be helpful for you below.

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