
Your search for Feelings returned these results:

Family Networking Home > Our Services > Family Networking

– a biscuit and a cup of tea is fine. It is important your children’s thoughts, worries and feelings. to the children about their feelings? It might be a family friend or neighbour - someone

Early Days Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Babies Needing Extra Care > Early Days

Your baby may have been on the unit for a few days or many weeks. When they are getting near to being able to come home you may have mixed feelings. Excited to be together as a family, but probably nervous about caring for your baby without the neonatal team close by. It is normal to feel this way. Babies are only discharged when their medical team are confident they are well enough. Being. and this can put a strain on relationships. Talk to each other and share your feelings. Try and give each

Fussy Eaters Home > Healthy Lifestyles > Eat Better > Fussy Eaters

Some children will eat anything; trying new foods and liking most things. Other children find this harder, sometimes struggling with different tastes and textures and limiting themselves to a few types of food. Some children’s eating is affected by their emotions and helping them find ways to cope with difficult feelings and experiences is the key to improving their diet. We know it is important that children have a varied and balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables

Getting Into A Routine Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Supporting Development > Getting Into A Routine

around them. They have a lot of new experiences and big feelings to cope with. This can be very tiring

Finding Your Way - Developmental Delay Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Additional Needs > Finding Your Way - Developmental Delay

course will help you learn about: Understanding and responding to your child's feelings Self

Benefits of Play Home > Speech & Language > Talk & Play > Benefits of Play

and feelings. Every time you help your child to learn a new skill or understand a new experience

Development Milestones Home > Child Development & Additional Needs > Developmental Stages > Development Milestones

. They still need you to help make sense of their thoughts and feelings and the physical changes

Smoking, E-Cigs & Vaping Home > Staying Safe > Staying Safe Around Others > Smoking, E-Cigs & Vaping

number. Keep raising the subject calmly – allow your child to talk about their feelings. Let them

6 - 8 Week Review Home > Our Services > 6 - 8 Week Review

and so will learn to cry less often. Will know their feelings matter to you. Have the confidence

Personalised Care & Support Plans (PCSP) Home > Pregnancy & Early Days > Your Pregnancy Journey > Personalised Care & Support Plans (PCSP)

of feelings and emotions. If you feel worried or anxious you can find support and help here. Looking